These week our Textil teacher has taught us how to do vainica. She has showed us two kinds. The first one that is the normal and the second one that is crossed.
Now, what is it vainica? In English, hemstitch. It's a needlework made in the own cloth to decorate some garments. It's able made by machines or by hand. Last one is more expensive as you must imagine.
I'm going to teach you how to make the crossed way, here I let you the steps:
1º Remove some horizontal threads, so then you'll have this as in the right.
2º Take a needle, a long piece of thread and let's start!
3º Make a knot in the extreme of the thread, and pass every four vertical threads. Like this:
4º Pass the needle again behind the vertical threads and go through the cloth. Like this:
5º Finally, pull the thread to make the stitch. Like this:
I'll just add that we have learnt it doing it right to left. The other side of the vainica, it would be made every four threads such as what I've explained but getting two threads ahead, so then you'll made a cross.
I hope I've explain well. If you have any question or info to add, comment please.
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